Supply, installation, servicing, repair
of power and technological equipment,
manufacture and assembly of steel structures
TECHMONT MOCHOVCE, spol. s r.o. was established in 1998. We are a traditional and dynamical developing company operating in the energy, petrochemical, food and chemical industry. The company is focused on assembly and production activities. In its implementation we put strong emphasis on high professional quality of our work in order to achieve customer satisfaction.
We participate on the realization of constructions throughout the Slovakia. Our most important customers include: Slovnaft, a.s. Bratislava, DUSLO, a.s. Šaľa, ŠKODA SLOVAKIA, a.s., ŠKODA JS a.s., ENSECO, a.s., Cloetta Slovakia, s.r.o., ENERGOINVEST, a.s., EXMONT Invest, s.r.o., SES Tlmače, a.s., AIR Liquide Slovakia s.r.o., MONDI SCP, a.s. Ružomberok, MESSER Tatragas, spol. s r.o., INVEST s.r.o. Šaľa, Nafta Gbely, a.s., Mondeléz Slovakia, a.s. and many others.
Head office and administrative background of the company is located in Levice. Our company has its own 2 production and assembly hall of about 500 m², situated in Nová Dedina near Levice, which serves primarily as a transport and logistics background. In areal is located storage area for spare parts, assembly material, tools and instruments. In these production areas which are divided into two separate production halls (one for carbon steel work and one exclusively for stainless steel processing) are also being implemented preparatory and pre-assembly work for smaller orders, repairs of equipment as well as other additional welding and locksmith works.
The main production areas of TECHMONT MOCHOVCE, spol. s r.o. - "KOVEL Division" are new production halls and workshops with an area of about 4,000 m² situated in Závod in the distance of 12 km from Malacky. The site also includes outdoor assembly and storage areas with an area of approximately 10,000 m2, including complete administrative and social area. Our new operation division area is fully equipped with several varied machines, equipment and technologies that enable comprehensive mech engineering and production. In addition to regular machining and metalworking for mechanical engineering, we mainly focus on the production of steel structures and a wide range of products for various industries, throughout petrochemical to electro technical. An important part of our production is the production of piping components and compositions for the distribution of steam, water, technical gases, flue gas and air. Separate section is the production of steel and assembled sandwich halls, production of steel masts, lighting pylons and cabinets as well as other structures for the electrical industry.
The company TECHMONT MOCHOVCE, spol. s r.o. is characterized by family team spirit and a friendly atmosphere. In conjunction with the Creative Work of All Workers and the fulfillment of the set goals, guarantees the constant economic growth, success and viability of the company in the future.
High expertise, responsibility, creativity and loyalty are reflected in the day-to-day activities of our employees and are the basis values of our company. We constantly take care of the personal development of our staff at all levels. We create the conditions for their further education and improving the qualifications in order to increase our competitive ability in the market.
By combining of the expertise and values of the company, we have created the basis of our success. We offer our clients comprehensive technical solutions, from designing the project documentation through deliveries of materials and production components to the final execution of the contract. Our services are constantly improving and raising as proves by the implementation and application of an integrated management system (IMS) according to the requirements of EN ISO 9001: 2015, EN ISO 14001: 2015 and OHSAS 18001: 2007, ISO welding 3834_2, ISO Steel Structures 1090_1, 2.
The company owns the authorization for the production and installation of reserved technical equipment (gas, pressure and lifting), according to §8a paragraph, 3 of the SNR Act no. 51/1988 Coll. about mining activity.