Supply and installation of technological equipment
Based on long-term contracts mainly with ŠKODA SLOVAKIA, a.s., ŠKODA JS, a.s., ENSECO a.s., VZT-Systems s.r.o. we participate in the completion of units 3 and 4 of the Mochovce NPP.

Supply, production and assembly
of structural and pipeline components and assemblies for steam, water, technical gases, flue gas and air

Manufacture of structures and technical equipment
for the electrical and automotive industry - KOVEL division

Repair, reconstruction and revision
of dedicated technical equipment - pressure and gas. We are involved in technological renovations in the energy, petrochemical, food and chemical industries.
Laser and plasma cutting
Platino laser machine - Sheet metal blanks 1.5 x 3 m. Wecutsteelsheetsup to a thickness of 15 mm, stainlesssteelsheetsup to a thickness of 10-12 mm.
Microstepplasmamachine - Sheet metal blanks 2 x 12 m. Wecutsteelsheetsup to a thickness of 30 mm, stainlesssteelsheetsup to a thickness20 mm.

Production, delivery and assembly
Production, supply and installation of steel structures. Metalworking and machining of parts for mechanical engineering. NDT welding joint tests.

Sale, service, inspection and repair
of Brano Slovakia, a.s. lifting equipment’s

for the food industry, single skin, double skin with heating without insulation, three skin with heating and insulation. Production of duplicator piping sections.